Conservative Policy Forum Southport

In the News Today

Listen to a great explanation of market reaction to Mini Budget from George Gammon American investor and teacher of macroeconomics better known on Youtube as ‘Rebel Capitalist’

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Energy Cap
Mini Budget
Tax cuts


UK Economy
Bank of England
Energy Debate
Inflation and Debt Cycles

Visit Office for National Statistics to see Employment, GDP, and Inflation data. Check results of Census 2021.

Office for National statistics

Latest analysis of the UK economic conditions . Great charts and plain language explanations

Monetary Policy Report August 2022

Check most successful financial publisher on Substack’. Or listen to his numerous interviews on Youtube. 


Best historical analysis of inflation and the long term debt cycle. Discover investment analyst Lyn Alden.

Lyn Alden

Conservative Policy Forum Southport - CPF

Everything in politics starts with an idea. Sometimes it’s a burning injustice that’s got to be fixed. Sometimes it’s an inspirational vision of how to make the world a better place. A single idea can build new societies, new ways of living that are better than before.  An inspiring idea will outlast elections, Parliaments and Prime Ministers, leap national borders and change entire countries. The Conservative Policy Forum is here to find the world-changing, era-defining ideas and shape the policies of tomorrow.
Join us and be a part of our mission.
CPF Southport is a vibrant community where we meet to debate big questions of the day as well as the issues important to our local community. We try to make our meetings interesting by inviting a variety of speakers, and we like to mix our politics with coffee and biscuits.

If you would like to join Southport Conservative Policy Forum please contact us for details:



Today's quote

Democracy will continue to exist until the time voters discover they can vote for generous gifts from the public treasury. From that point, the majority always votes for the candidates who promises the most benefits from the public treasury. The result is that every democracy finally collapses due to loose fiscal policy.                                              Alexander Tytler, Scottish judge and economist 1747 -1813​


ADDRESS:     Association Office
Office 8, 37-39 Shakespeare Street, Southport, PR8 5AB

